Fetchall () limited in python


I am making a code that does a query in postgres and returns it in a list, however this is giving memory error. The part of the code that does this:

c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT latitude, longitude, gid FROM pontos")  
records = c.fetchall() #pega todos os resultados do select e armazena em uma tupla
e = conn.cursor()
e.execute("SELECT precipitacaoh, gidgeo_fk FROM historico")
records2 = e.fetchall()

How do I get, for example, the 100 elements of the query and store it on disk, and then get the next 100 elements, until I store the whole query? Not to overload the system.

asked by anonymous 03.04.2016 / 17:02

1 answer


It is possible to do this yes - I wonder if it will be useful to simply store the values in a text file: generally recovering the desired data in the database and processing them directly is better than pear the same data as a file text, where we have no indexing tool, ways to search, etc ...

It puzzles me that you're having a "memory error" with records as simple as that - even millions of records should not drain the memory of a system with RAM in the house of gigabytes.

Now, going back specifically to what you ask - the Python database connectors - all - implement in addition to fetchall , fetchmany - that returns only the requested number of records.

So, a way to transfer a query to a local file (which I do not think is useful - unless it's all you want to do with the data) would be:

import csv
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT latitude, longitude, gid FROM pontos")

with open("arquivo_destino.csv", "wt") as file_:
    writer  = csv.writer(file_)
    writer.writerow(("latitude", "longitude"))
    records = True
    while records:
        records = c.fetchmany(100)

The connection cursor itself can also be used as an iterator, returning a query result at a time if it is used in a query - this way of using it is best if you consume your data, instead of simply writing it to a local file:

c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT latitude, longitude, gid FROM pontos")
for record in c:
      # do things with row result

(But I've already seen bugged implementations of the bank in which interacting the cursor in this way was very slow - if so, better to do a combination with fetchmany as well.)

04.04.2016 / 06:49