In C # is there any way to put eg the buttons with a different design, or the title with a different style? I want to get my program fancy.
In C # is there any way to put eg the buttons with a different design, or the title with a different style? I want to get my program fancy.
You are looking for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) >, Microsoft's solution for rich applications. But keep in mind that there is a sharp learning curve for WinForms developers . If you have any experience with rich application development (Flex , JavaFX or mainly Silverlight ) and a good understanding of markup languages modern the principles of WPF are more natural. Start by searching for XAML , a language based in XML, the C # counterpart (or any other .NET language) used in the declaration of components.
For buttons or titles with different designs you could simply use a PictureBox and place a specific image. Now, if you want something a bit more complex, you can create a class by inheriting the Button class (in the case of a button) and change some details, override events using override according to your criteria etc.
At the level of curiosity, it follows the code of how to create a custom button using the class Graphics :
public Form1()
BotaoPersonalizado objBotao = new BotaoPersonalizado(); //Inicializando o botão personalizado.
//Incluindo a ele um evento Click:
EventHandler evento = new EventHandler(objBotao_Click);
objBotao.Click += evento;
objBotao.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(100, 200); //Definindo sua posição na tela.
objBotao.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 305); //Definindo seu tamanho.
this.Controls.Add(objBotao); //Adicionando o controle ao formulário.
public class BotaoPersonalizado : System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
//Sobrescrevendo o método OnPaint para desenhar o botão:
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics graphics = e.Graphics;
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Blue);
float cordenadaX = 0, cordenadaY = 0, largura = 100, altura = 100; //Definindo características da elipse delimitada por um retângulo.
graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, cordenadaX, cordenadaY, largura, altura); //Desenhando a elipse.
pen.Dispose(); //Liberando os recursos usados.
void objBotao_Click(Object sender, System.EventArgs e)