I'm trying to connect to the database to get data that is returned with the get_dados_producao_graficos () function, but when the for is in the first interaction it executes normally, in the second it is giving:
Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in C:\xampp\htdocs\hortsustentasp.eco.br\_conexoes_graficos\envia.php on line 35
, that is, it is falling in if($resultados === FALSE)
I have no idea why this occurs and even more so in the second interaction. Is there an error in the code?
The values given to the variables were thought for all calls the function will return data.
echo "tamanho:".count($cidade);
echo "<br>i: ".$i."<br>";
$query="CALL get_dados_producao_graficos({$tipo},{$cidade[$i]},{$ano} {$ano2},{$subCultura_id},{$fonte});";
echo $query."<br><br>";
$resultados = mysqli_query($conexao,$query);
if($resultados === FALSE) {
while($resultado = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultados)){
if($resultado['valor'] > 0){
Execution result:
i: 0
CALL get_dados_producao_graficos(6,2,2000,2015,5,2);
i: 1
CALL get_dados_producao_graficos(6,1,2000,2015,5,2);
Warning: mysqli_error() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in C:\xampp\htdocs\hortsustentasp.eco.br\_conexoes_graficos\envia.php on line 35