I have a question and I need your help. I have some webservices that require by client request that are not accessed by the browser but can be accessed by url if they type all the way plus the parameters. That is, if the user tries to view the webservice screen the user will see a custom error page, but if the user enters the entire url with the correct parameters and etc, the user receives the response normally.
What happens is that this way I need every time a new client of this client needs to reference the webservice in the application I need to undo this block and allow visual studio to see through its internal browser the webservice to add the reference inside of the project and then lock it again.My question: Is there any way to reference the webservice without the visual studio seeing the same in your process of adding the reference so that I do not need to unlock it so that the webmethods are visualized by the internal browser of visual studio at the time of referral ??