Commit and Mysqli Rolback


Well, I'm using PHP's Mysqli class and I came across the following situation ...

I have two tables, table A is the main one and table B is the daughter until then it is ok, what I need to do is to treat the commit and rollback to avoid failures in the future I mounted the following Script ...


$er = true;

$query = "insert into (descricao) values ('testes')";
$er = !$DB->Mysqli->query($query) ? false : true;
$codigo = $DB->Mysqli->insert_id;

$query2 = "insert into (cod_pai, descricao) values (".$codigo.", 'teste filho')";
$er = !$DB->Mysqli->query($query2) ? false : true;

$er ? $DB->Mysqli->commit() : $DB->Mysqli->rollback();

Now comes my doubt, the daughter table B is dependent on the auto increment code that is generated in table A, what is happening is that the way I did not generate the Code, and this way when it will use in the table B says that the code in table A does not exist.

Would you like to know what I did wrong?

Thanks for your help!

asked by anonymous 20.06.2016 / 06:08

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