Rearrange position of data listed with php


I have 3 tables, one with the name of the porter, another with the name of materia, and one with the name of portaria_has_materia. The focus is on the concierge_has_materia. It takes the foreign key fields from the portaria and subject tables along with a field named order, which is the order in which the materials will appear. Staying like this:

tabela portaria_has_materia
id | idportaria | idmateria | ordem |
1  |      6     |     3     |   1   |
2  |      6     |     6     |   2   |
3  |      6     |     5     |   3   |
4  |      6     |     2     |   4   |

The order is always listed in the table, but the items have a correct order to appear in the view, and if they are not in the correct order, I have to place them by changing the order field, because the query will be ordered by he. How can I do to change it and keep the sequence in the database, so that after the change it appears in the correct order?

The return of the data is done in json.

publicfunctiongetMateriaByPortaria(){$this->layout=""; //retornar dados numa tela sem layout

  $materias = $this->PortariaMateriaM->get_all_portaria_materia(); //pega todos os dados da tabela portaria_has_materia

  $data = array(); //array data

  foreach ($materias as $mat) { //foreach que percorre o objeto e armazena no array data
        $data[] = array(
            "idportaria_materia" => $mat->idportaria_materia,
            "ordem" => $mat->ordem,
            "numerada" => $mat->numerada,
            "idportaria" => $mat->idportaria,
            "data_inicio" => $mat->data_inicio,
            "data_fim" => $mat->data_fim,
            "titulo" => $mat->titulo,
            "descricao" => $mat->descricao,
            "descricao_internacional" => $mat->descricao_internacional,
            "assinatura_instrutor" => $mat->assinatura_instrutor,
            "sigla" => $mat->sigla,
            "idmateria" => $mat->idmateria,
            "nome_materia" => $mat->nome_materia,
            "nome_ingles" => $mat->nome_ingles,
            "numero_tempo" => $mat->numero_tempo,
            "carga_horaria" => $mat->carga_horaria,
            "modulo" => $mat->modulo

    return json_encode($data); //retorna dados do array em json

asked by anonymous 17.05.2016 / 15:55

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