I'm using the p: tabView component of Primefaces:
<p:tabView dynamic="true" id="tab_view">
<c:forEach items="#{tabbedView.listOfTabs}" var="listOfTabs">
<p:tab title="#{listOfTabs.name}" closable="true">
<ui:include src="#{listOfTabs.xhtmlIncluded}" />
listOfTabs is an array object list that has two fields: name and xhtmlIncluded. The problem is that when I open two tabs that use the same xhtml, JSF points to component name duplicity, for example:
javax.servlet.ServletException: The tab_view: form component ID has already been found in the view.
I have to be able to open two tabs that carry the same xhtml. I use sessionscoped in my bean.
Has anyone ever had this problem?