Access matrix within function


Good afternoon,

I'm setting up a naval battle and I have the following difficulty: I am not able to access a certain array created inside a function. Within the same function I call another function that accesses this array, but PHP informs that this array is not defined. Below the framework I'm doing.

	function reiniciar(){
		$navios = array();

		for ($l=-1; $l < 31; $l++) { 
			for ($c=-1; $c < 31 ; $c++) { 
				$navios[$l][$c] = -1;

		sorteia(3,5,"P");//CONSTROI OS PORTA AVIÕES

    function sorteia($quantidade,$n_posicoes,$embarcacao){
        if($navios[$rand_linha][$rand_coluna] == -1){
          //AQUI DIZ QUE $navios ESTA INDEFINIDO
asked by anonymous 15.06.2016 / 17:45

2 answers


Well, I do not know if I could explain it right by the comments so let's go.

What happens in your code is the following, are you using functions correct? So the variable you created in function reiniciar so can be used! Unless you declare it as global, then in function sorteia you get 3 variables:

 function sorteia($quantidade,$n_posicoes,$embarcacao)

You can then work with these 3 variables here because you are setting their values when calling the method:


But% of% is the variable you use in $navios , it does not exist here because you have not passed and / or set a value for it. In case you could pass directly:

sorteia(3,5,"P", $navios);

And then get it in if :

function sorteia($quantidade,$n_posicoes,$embarcacao, $navios)

So you could work with her on function sorteia.

I hope you've been able to explain, any questions please ask

15.06.2016 / 18:44

What I'm doing:

		sorteia(3,5,"P",$navios);//CONSTROI OS PORTA AVIÕES
		//sorteia(5,3,"D",$navios);//CONSTROI OS DESTROIER
		//sorteia(7,2,"S",$navios);//CONSTROI OS SUBMARINOS
		//sorteia(10,1,"B",$navios);//CONSTROI OS BOTES
		echo "<table border='1'";
			for ($l=0; $l < 30 ; $l++) { 
				echo "<tr>";
					for ($c=0; $c < 30 ; $c++) { 
						echo "<td>";
						echo "</td>";
				echo "</tr>";
		echo "</table>";
16.06.2016 / 01:01