Firebird - Parameterized View


Hello. I need to create a View where I will use a parameter whose value will be provided at runtime (Delphi). Could someone give me an example? Thankful.

asked by anonymous 02.06.2016 / 22:28

1 answer


I do not quite understand what you want but I'll treat it as a simple delphi project, but basically to create a run-time component is simple.

pnlTitle            := TPanel.Create(frmPrincipal); // ou nil
pnlTitle.Parent     := frmPrincipal; //pode ser o formulário ou um outro componente onde o painel estará dentro;
pnlTitle.Top        := 0;
pnlTitle.Width      := 184;
pnlTitle.Left       := 0;
pnlTitle.Height     := 23;

Is that it?

02.06.2016 / 23:40