SQL Server - Create a View on a server with tables from another server



We had a SQL Server with three banks, one of the application I developed, two of two different systems, the Enterprise ERP system and the OnLine Order system.

This OnLine Order system runs 24hs, so you are always updating the bank, inserting new items, comparing descriptions and consulting the inventory balance of the products in the ERP System. This has been very heavy on performance where another system is running to download the information from one to the other.

On my system, I need to cross-reference information from both banks plus mine, for example, whether a customer is registered, who the seller is or whether an order has already been imported. There are quiet days but others give timeout error in one query or another.

We solved the OnLine System database on another server and solved the performance problem. But we created another. How to make a query across two server and database tables?

I'm researching, but I have not yet come to the conclusion. I am trying to create views of the tables that I need on my server with the OnLine database tables, I do not know if it is possible to do this. Has anyone ever had this problem of crossing information on two servers?

The system I'm developing is in VB.Net.

asked by anonymous 29.06.2016 / 21:07

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