Class in PHP to generate bar code in standard code39 with height and width adjustment


I'm having trouble generating PHP barcodes in the code39 pattern, containing 10 digits (numbers only), for printing the web page containing the bar code on thermal printers .

I have tested several classes, but they have an error in the optical reading.

Can anyone recommend a good class in PHP to generate barcode in code39 and allow you to adjust height and width of the barcode?

Preferably, something that can be used as follows:

<img src="/barcode.php?code=' . $cod_barras . '&largura=180&altura=80" />

Important: I need it to work without any dependency beyond PHP and the GD library.

Thanks in advance for any help!

asked by anonymous 29.06.2016 / 17:44

1 answer


After experimenting with several classes, I found one that came in handy with barcode printing, with 10 digits in the code39 pattern, on thermal printers, without reading problems or anything like that.

Barcode Generator: Web interface to generate barcode images

Although it was a class whose last update was 08/09/2005, it worked very well for me.

I hope it helps if someone goes through the same situation I experienced.

03.07.2016 / 03:26