How to call popover in place in place of an infowindow?


I have a situation in maps where I have several markers on the map and each one with a different ID. I can use infowindow normally to display all the data pertaining to that marker. However, I will need to implement a more advanced html and I will use the bootstrap pop-up instead of the infoviewer. My click-to-bookmark function is below

    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function () {
    /// implementação
    var conteúdo = "<p>conteúdo qualquer</p>";
    infoWindow.setContent(iwContent);, this);

How can I call a popover for this bookmark (without confusing its data with those of other bookmarks) instead of calling the default infowindow of maps?

asked by anonymous 29.06.2016 / 16:15

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