Login with Spring security with md5 + salt


Login with Spring security The following problem I have to get the login data from a ready database with the following md5 + salt encryption (52212dd409480f88e95611a58257506d: SgkronFw2YWXaUSahmnBP1swqhctw21p) and I have to compare this data with what the user will pass through the login, but it is not right, I was trying to compare only a part of the password more in the give. aguem ja did something similar:

link //users.java link //AppUserDetailsService.java

asked by anonymous 03.07.2016 / 01:58

2 answers


link //applicationContext.xml link //User.system.java

03.07.2016 / 01:59

link //LoginBean.java link //applicationContext.xml

03.07.2016 / 01:59