Generate private certificate APK using Eclipse Android

When I click Run in eclipse, it generates the APK, sends and installs it on Android, but it installs using a Debug certificate, I'm using Google Games Services and it only works if the APK has a private certificate which we created to send to Google Play), and does not work with Debug certificate ...

I know how to export a project already including direct private certificate from eclipse, and I know how to install this APK containing the certificate via adb


./adb -d install -r /diretorio/arquivo.apk

My question is, if it is possible to change this run button, so that when clicked it performs the same function but uses the private certificate instead of Debug. How?

I searched, saw an answer in the gringo OS, but I could not understand it, so I think there is a way.

asked by anonymous 30.04.2014 / 05:19

1 answer


I use the Android ADT Bundle , but I believe it's the same place if you're using Eclipse with the ADT plugin separately.

Access the ADT menu (or Eclipse ) and then open Preferences . In the Android > Build , you can define a new keystore in the custom fields as shown in the image.

30.04.2014 / 13:57