Greetings, gentlemen,
I'm trying to design a portal where my clients can view their invoices, statements and invoices. As you can see, everything is fine, but you're almost ready to do what I need. Below is the PHP code and how do I make the information "invoice" of the database could become a link (for viewing and downloading a file). The problem arises when I try to do the same with the "reserve" object.
As there will always be multiple reservations per invoice, MySQL extracts this information as a line. I need to manipulate every number present in it, but everything I try only affects my line as a whole.
Here is a link to a previous question explaining the use of group_concat in this case: link
Page Result:
<?php$mysqli=NEWMySQLi('localhost','root','','server');$sqlFatura=$mysqli->query("SELECT login as NOME,fatura AS
Fatura, Emissao, Vcto, group_concat(reserva) AS RESERVAS
FROM usuarios INNER JOIN faturas,anexos WHERE
usuarios.ID=IDlogin AND faturas.ID=IDfatura AND login='".
mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['login'])."' GROUP BY fatura");
if($sqlFatura->num_rows > 0){
while($rows = $sqlFatura->fetch_assoc()){
$fatura = $rows['Fatura'];
$loc = $fatura .".pdf";
$stur = $rows['RESERVAS'];
$emissao = $rows['Emissao'];
$vcto = $rows['Vcto'];
echo "<p> Fatura $fatura Emitida dia $emissao Vencimento
$vcto=><a href='$loc' target='_blank'>DOWNLOAD</a> ANEXO: $stur<br></p>";
echo "SEM FATURAS.";
Thanks in advance for the help and for any clarifications just get in touch.