Talk to people, I have a problem that I do not know what else to do. My idea was to have a checkbox that when dialing would show a field and unmark would hide this field, for this I used rendered and ajax, but when I mark this checkbox even if I write something in the input it shows the value sent is always null . Can you help me?
<b><h:outputText value="Possui Deficiência? " /></b>
id="checkDeficiencia" immediate="true">
<p:ajax event="change" update="campoEspecifique" />
<br />
<h:panelGroup id="campoEspecifique">
<b><p:outputLabel value="Especifique:"
rendered="#{controllerAluno.alunoCadastrar.deficiente}"/> </b>
public void inserir() throws Exception
System.out.println("É Deficiente? " + this.alunoCadastrar.isDeficiente());
System.out.println("Qual? " + this.alunoCadastrar.getDeficiencia());
System.out.println("ID? " + this.alunoCadastrar.getId());
System.out.println("Nome? " + this.alunoCadastrar.getNome());
System.out.println("Sexo? " + this.alunoCadastrar.getSexo());
System.out.println("Data? " + this.alunoCadastrar.getData_Nascimento());
System.out.println("Turma? " + this.alunoCadastrar.getTurma().getDescricao());
AdicionarMensagem.retornaInfo("Aluno Adicionado com Sucesso!");
this.alunoCadastrar = new Aluno();
AlunoNegocio an = new AlunoNegocio();
if (an.inserir(this.alunoCadastrar)) {
AdicionarMensagem.retornaInfo("Aluno Adicionado com Sucesso!");
this.alunoCadastrar = new Aluno();
This is what it generates, but I have given a value in the disability and will always null as I said earlier.