Nginx block | redirect url files


I'm creating a url shortener in my ex-subdomain ( to serve as an external reference, eg

// a url de uma pagina (extensa)

// ficaria assim:

Well this example is pretty "rough" but the problem is that I need to get the url via $_GET in the "go" subdomain and how the "shortened" url points to a subdirectory in "go" use try_files with emphasis in $uri/ directories in the server block nginx settings to complete the request processing ex:

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?l=$request_uri;

Where "l" (location) is the reference for accessing $_GET with PHP and searching the database for registration to redirect.

So far so good once the "shortened" url is correctly accessed badly when you run for example "" falls into error 404 however 404 is reserved for an error (notfound) within the project.

How to check if the url has a period (.) or another invalid character in any part of it? And so return the index with a $_GET to catch this error?

The closest I came to was this rule:

error_page 400 /index.php?error=bad;

location ~* \.(?:jpg|jpeg|gif|png|ico|cur|gz|svg|svgz|mp4|ogg|ogv|webm|htc|html|htm)$ {
   return 400;

However it is not possible to predict all possibilities, a simple / would be enough to throw a 404 error.

In the case in question the allowed characters would be: alpha-numeric and @ _-

asked by anonymous 18.09.2016 / 20:24

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