Hyperlink + Eval + navigateURL


I would like to create a link in the row of the listview to navigate to a url when clicked. The "city" field has to complete the url so that the targeting is done correctly.


Example: Let's say I want the user to be directed to the wikipedia to view the information of the clicked city and so on, like this: link "city"

asked by anonymous 21.09.2016 / 17:50

1 answer


In NavigateUrl of the component # that is within a ItemTemplate of the component em> ListView do: / p>

NavigateUrl='<%#string.Format("https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/{0}", Eval("Cidade"))%>'>     

Full Code:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server">
                    Text ='<%#Eval("Cidade") %>'
                    NavigateUrl='<%#string.Format("https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/{0}", Eval("Cidade"))%>'>                    

In the latest version you can do this too:


This feature calls: C # 6 - String Interpolation

21.09.2016 / 18:37