Specify table name using namespace in createQuery in Doctrine


I need to create a database query on a table whose name is order and can not be changed. I made the following query:

$query = $entityManager->createQuery("SELECT sum(o.orderPrice) 
                                            FROM  \App\Entity\Order  o 
                                            WHERE o.orderEventId = ?1
                                                  o.orderDate <= ?2
                                                  o.orderDate >= ?3")
                                                    1 => $event,
                                                    2 => ' LAST_DAY(CURDATE()) ',
                                                    3 => ' DATE_SUB(LAST_DAY(NOW()), INTERVAL DAY(LAST_DAY(NOW()))-1 DAY)'

    $dados['qtd_resultado'] = $query->getResult();

The namespace \ App \ Entity \ Order indicated in FROM points to the following Entity in doctrine:

namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine \ ORM \ Mapping \ Entity;

 * @Entity
 * @Table(name="order")
class Order

The problem occurs in FROM because the word ORDER is reserved, so at the time of mounting the query the system has a syntax error. What is the correct way to enter the table name?

asked by anonymous 23.10.2016 / 22:46

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