Program received signal sigsegv segmentation fault


I made the C code of the statement:


Develop a program that simulates a ticketing system from a   airline. The company has n flights, where in each of them there are m   places available. The first m / 2 seats on each flight are reserved for non-smokers and the remainder for smokers.


Use an array of n rows per m columns to represent the seats of this company's flights. Initialize the array elements with zero to indicate that all seats on each of the n flights are available. As seats are being loaded assign 1 to the corresponding element of the array.


Must be randomly generated:

  • The number of flights.
  • The number of tickets requested per flight.
  • Whether the passenger is from the smoking or non-smoking area.   The program should print at the end of the simulation:
  • The average number of passengers per flight.
  • The average number of passengers per area on each flight
  • The average number of passengers not boarded for lack of seating (observe   that there may be room on the plane, but there is no room in the requested area)
    I have already used the debug but I can not identify the reason for the error: Program received signal sigsegv segmentation fault I already changed and put in several ways the start random number generator, using NULL for example, but no use. srand (time (NULL)), below the code:

    main() {
      int n,m,p, i, j, matriz[n][m],f,assento_ocup,aux,fumantes,nao_fumantes; 
      float media_passageiros_voo, media_passageiros_area,media_pas_falta_assento,
      media_passageiros_nao_fumantes_area, media_passageiros_fumantes_area;
      time_t t;
      // iniciar gerador de numeros aleatórios
      //numero de voos-linhas
      //numero de lugares-colunas
      m= rand()%1+100;
      //numero de passagens solicitadas
      p= rand()%1+100;
      for(i=0; i<n; i++)  { //linha-voos
        for(j=0; j<m; j++){//coluna-passagens
            matriz[n][m]=0;//todos assentos disponiveis
      if(f%2==0){//se par nao e fumante
        for(i=0; i<n; i++)  { 
            for(j=0; j<m/2; j++){
      else{ //e fumante
        for(i=0; i<n; i++)  { 
            for(j=aux; j<m; j++){
      for(i=0; i<n; i++)  { 
        for(j=0; j<m; j++){
      media_pas_falta_assento= m-p;
      media_passageiros_fumantes_area= fumantes/(m/2);
      media_passageiros_nao_fumantes_area= nao_fumantes/(m/2);
      printf("\n MEDIA DE PASSAGEIROS POR VOO:%.2f ",media_passageiros_voo);
      printf("\n MEDIA DE PASSAGEIROS POR AREA EM CADA VOO: %.2f", media_passageiros_area);  
      printf("\n PASSAGEIROS NAO EMBARCADOS POR FALTA DE ASSENTO",media_pas_falta_assento);
    asked by anonymous 12.11.2016 / 17:42

    1 answer


    First, you do not use variables in arrays size declarations, even more before you even define them, as you did in matriz[n][m] . Put integers as sizes or define your own constants with #define and do something like


    And, clearly, the following line is wrong (probably due to typo):

    matriz[n][m]=0;//todos assentos disponiveis

    It should be matriz[i][j] instead.

    12.11.2016 / 18:05