Hello, I would like to know how I can organize my ui: repeat ...
Because on the page, it displays: Schedule Change and the checkbox field, Night Work and the checkbox field
In summary I wanted to be able to organize it ... the code it takes from a list, and that these descriptions are inserted in the description table in the database, eg: change of time and etc ...
How do I display on the page organized, type how many messages I want horizontally, how many vertically ..pq the dataTable already did the test and does not catch
I want to leave some vertically and horizontally, and put the checkbox field first, follow it as it displays on my page
<ui:repeat value="#{cadastroFuncionarioBean.listaQuestoes}" var="questao">
<p:outputLabel value="#{questao.descricao}" for="questao"/>
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox id="questao"/>