I've been trying to connect to a WSDL, however, without success.
The web service provider passed me a xxx.wsdl
file and gave me the credentials for the connection. I've been trying to do the following:
$client = new SoapClient('xxx.wsdl', $credentials); // Array com user e pass
Validate the available functions:
Return me:
TipoDeRetorno minhaFuncao(TipoDeDado dado);
When I try to execute the function / method it gives error:
$client->minhaFuncao(null); // Dá erro
$client->__call('minhaFuncao', [null]); // Dá erro
$client->__soapCall('minhaFuncao', [null]); // Dá erro
Returns the following error:
SoapFault in MinhaClasse.php line 80:
Only the Server
message as an error. Could you help me?