UWP Horizontal alignment of flhos in a RelativePanel


I'm creating a HambugerMenu similar to Win10 Apps. The base of HambugerMenu is SplitView and to distribute the children in SplitView I opted to use a RelativePanel so I can choose which menu items will be at the top and which will be at the bottom of the menu, in the same way which happens in the Weather App, where the main menu options are at the top and the lower settings at the bottom, such as the settings and user information item. However, I'm not getting the items from the bottom of the page to have the same fill / alignment as above, as can be seen in the image.

I'vetriedalotofthings,IputHorizontalAlignment="Stretch" , I made binding to make ListView down use the same size as ListView from above, but nothing worked. The lower%% simply ignores any setting that causes it to increase non-fixed.

Follow the XAML

asked by anonymous 06.01.2017 / 01:04

1 answer


I got the answer in MSDN forum . In practice it implements via code-behind what should work via XAML bindings but does not work. Why the hell, I do not know.

08.01.2017 / 14:13