Create array dynamically while typing and deleting when the value is blank? [closed]



<div ng-app="app">
    <div ng-controller="testeCtrl">
        <ul ng-repeat="(keyColumn, column) in columns">
            <li>{{ }}
                <div ng-repeat="method in requireMethods">

                    <input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="column.validation.messages[$index][method]" />
        <pre>{{ columns | json }}</pre>


var app = angular.module('app',[]);
    var requireMethods = ['required','remote','maxlength']
    $scope.columns = [{
        name: 'teste',
        validation: {
            messages: []
            name: 'teste1',
            validation: {
                messages: []
    $scope.requireMethods = requireMethods;

Enter the Jsfiddle to better understand: link

"name": "teste1",
    "validation": {
    "messages": [
            "maxlength": ""

I came up with this solution, but the array is creating null depending on the place you type in input text. I would like to know how to exclude objeto when the value is equal to empty, for example:

    "maxlength": "Digitado"

When maxlenght: "" , delete from array of objects ...

asked by anonymous 18.12.2016 / 21:25

1 answer


You can check in the change of the entry if the property is empty, if yes, instead of using delete , use splice to remove the object from the messages array:

// indexPai é referente ao index de colums.
// index é referente ao index de messages
// method para saber se o valor da propriedade esta vazia    
$scope.remover = function(indexPai, index, method){
  if ( ! $scope.columns[indexPai].validation.messages[index][method] )

The splice () method changes the contents of a list by adding new ones   elements while removing old elements.

JSFiddle : link

19.12.2016 / 13:30