request.getRequestDispatcher is not working and has no errors


I have a problem in the request.getRequestDispatcher ("Valida.jsp"). forward (request, response); from my servlet that does not forward to the Valida.jsp page. I need to pass from an HTML to a javascript (by Ajax) which passes the infos to a Servlet and that servlet writes the data in a JavaBeans and from the foward to a jsp show the data. It does not give any console or compilation error. It just stands in the main html page.

My Servlet looks like this:

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

    Beans beans = new Beans();
    String email = request.getParameter("email");
    String senha = request.getParameter("senha"); 
    String Pnome= request.getParameter("Pnome");
    String Mnome= request.getParameter("Mnome");
    String Snome= request.getParameter("Snome");


    request.setAttribute("beans", beans);
    request.getRequestDispatcher("Valida.jsp").forward(request, response);
    System.out.println("passou do forward");


count = 0;
onload = inicia;

function inicia() {

  document.getElementById("idCadastra").addEventListener("click", conecta, false);

function conecta() {

  var email = document.getElementById("idEmail").value;
  var senha = document.getElementById("idSenha").value;
  var Pnome = document.getElementById("idPrimeiroNome").value;
  var Mnome = document.getElementById("idNomeDoMeio").value;
  var Snome = document.getElementById("idSobreNome").value;

  if (email != "" && senha != "" && Pnome != "" && Snome != "") {
    console.log("entrou na conexão")
    httpRequest = createRequest();"GET", "Servlet?email=" + email + "&senha=" + senha + "&Pnome=" + Pnome + "&Mnome=" + Mnome + "&Snome=" + Snome, true);
    httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
      if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) {
        if (httpRequest.status == 200) {


-------MEU HTML-------

<td class="td" align="right" width="300">
  Ainda não é usuário? Crie o seu Login:

  <form method="get">

    <input id="idEmail" type="text" name="e-mail" required="required">*
    <input id="idSenha" type="text" name="senha" required="required">*
    <br>Repita Senha:
    <input id="idRepitaSenha" type="text" name="repitasenha" required="required">*
    <br>Primeiro Nome:
    <input id="idPrimeiroNome" type="text" name="primeironome" required="required">*
    <br>Nome do Meio:
    <input id="idNomeDoMeio" type="text" name="nomedomeio">&nbsp&nbsp
    <input id="idSobreNome" type="text" name="sobrenome" required="required">*

  <button class="inputCriarLogin" id="idCadastra" name="criarlogin">Criar Login</button>
asked by anonymous 30.12.2016 / 04:23

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