How to set a TextBox on each page in SSRS



I'm developing a report that lists the person's name and a table with their information. It is organized so that the name is on top of the table.

Nome: Fulano

Dado1 | Dado2 | Dado3
aaaa  | bbbbb | cccc
aaaa  | bbbbb | cccc
aaaa  | bbbbb | cccc

When you have a lot of information in the table it is continued on the next page, so here's the challenge. I want to make the person's name appear on this page. Something like the header. Is there any way to set the textbox for each page?

asked by anonymous 10.01.2017 / 13:49

1 answer


I found the solution I needed.

In the report body I added a List within that List I added a Table.

Keeping the List selected, in the field below Row Groups I have changed the properties


Group Proprerties > General > Add > Referencing the code for the break

I do this, I go to my table. Enable Advanced Mode :


Next to Column Groups has an arrow pointing down

This should enable static (Static) mode. Click the first Static and press F4 to open the properties. In other set (Others):


KeepWithGroup switch to After


RepeatOnNewPage Change to True

With this done, click on the left side of the Header of your Table and add a new top row, so this new line will be present on all pages.

10.01.2017 / 20:01