Upload template automatically


Is it possible to program codeIgniter to load the template automatically without having to specify the views for each call in the controler?


user controller

public function listar() {


sales controller

public function listar() {


It is noticed that there is a code repetition for each call. I want to know if there is a way to call the header, navbar, and automatic footer views.

asked by anonymous 17.11.2014 / 19:18

3 answers


Using the Most Simple Template Library for CodeIgniter

The Most Simple Template Library for CodeIgniter is a really simple library to use. Normally, you load the views as follows:

$this->load->view('conteudo', $data);

The code above means: loading the view "content".

Using the template system, the new way is:

$this->template->load('template', 'conteudo', $data);

That is: loading the view "content" within the template "template".


Install the template system through these simple steps:

  • Download the file ci_template_library .zip ;

  • Place the Template.php file in application / libraries ;

  • Autoload the library in the application / config / autoload.php : $autoload['libraries'] = array('template'); ;

  • Using the Most Simple Template Library

    First, you need to create the template that will be used. For example:

    application / views / template.php :

            <div id="contents"><?php echo $contents ?></div>

    Attention to the fact that the view (with the data) will always be grafted in the location where the template has the variable $contents (In the example, within <?php echo $contents ?> ).

    Take the example of a "content" view:

    application / views / conteudo.php :

    <header><h1>Nome do site</h1></header>
    <p>Algum par&aacute;grafo com conte&uacute;dos.</p>

    And finally, at the controller point where we normally load the view, we now load the template, using its own syntax:

    $this->template->load('template', 'conteudo');
    20.11.2014 / 17:54

    I also did it in a very simple way using a Helper:


    function teste($pagina){
        $ci = get_instance();

    Controller I'm using

    class Dashboard extends CI_Controller {
            public function index()

    Step to the page that I want to render as Helper function parameter: 'admin/dashboard'

    20.11.2014 / 20:56

    Without using third-party libraries it is also possible to easily create a template system. I did this:

    First you need to define a controller-base in the /Application/Core/MY_Controller.php file. In this file I will define a method called view() .

    defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('Acesso Negado');
     class BaseController extends CI_Controller {
        public function view($arquivo, $titulo, $dados = NULL) {
          $dados = ["arquivo" => $arquivo,
                    "titulo" => $titulo,
                    "dados" => $dados
          $this->load->view("template.php", $dados);

    Create the template.php file in the / Application / Views / folder

         <?php $this->load->view("header.php"); ?>
         <div class="main container">
               $this->load->view($arquivo, $dados);
         <?php $this->load->view("footer.php"); ?>

    Example usage

    class Cursos extends BaseController {
      public function index() {
          $this->load->model("CursoModel", "model");
          $dados = ["cursos" => $this->model->listar()];
          $this->view("cursos/cursos.php", "Listagem de Cursos", $dados);
    02.02.2017 / 11:38