I have the following code:
import socket
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
import math, urllib
import random, time, re
global String_1, String_2, String_3, String_4, Chat, Using_Proxies, Raid_Fixed_j2
def Raid():
nxat_ids = [i.strip() for i in open('ids.txt','r').read().splitlines()]
i = random.choice(nxat_ids)
nxat_id = i.split('&')
print("\n" + str(nxat_id))
ID = zat_id[0]
ID = zat_id[0].strip('UserId=')
K1 = zat_id[1]
K1 = zat_id[1].strip('k1=')
print("'ids.txt' was not found! Please create one in the same folder that this script is in and add IDs to it SPECIFALLY IN THIS LAYOUT: http://prntscr.com/55tzbi OR use my ids.txt http://pastebin.com/353eebdH\n")
if Using_Proxies == 'yes':
Proxies_txt = [i.strip() for i in open('socks5.txt','r').read().splitlines()]
Proxy = random.choice(Proxies_txt)
proxy = Proxy.split(':')
print "Proxy Being Used: " + str(Proxy[0]) + ":" + str(Proxy[1]) + "\n"
socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, Proxy[0], int(Proxy[1]))
test = socks.socksocket
Socket = test(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.SOL_TCP)
Socket.connect(("", 1204))
print "Could not connect using the selected proxy! Or 'socks5.txt' was not found! Re-trying....\n"
elif Using_Proxies != 'yes':
Socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.SOL_TCP)
Socket.connect(('', 1204))
Socket.send('<y r="'+Chat+'" v="0" u="'+ID+'" />import socket
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
import math, urllib
import random, time, re
global String_1, String_2, String_3, String_4, Chat, Using_Proxies, Raid_Fixed_j2
def Raid():
nxat_ids = [i.strip() for i in open('ids.txt','r').read().splitlines()]
i = random.choice(nxat_ids)
nxat_id = i.split('&')
print("\n" + str(nxat_id))
ID = zat_id[0]
ID = zat_id[0].strip('UserId=')
K1 = zat_id[1]
K1 = zat_id[1].strip('k1=')
print("'ids.txt' was not found! Please create one in the same folder that this script is in and add IDs to it SPECIFALLY IN THIS LAYOUT: http://prntscr.com/55tzbi OR use my ids.txt http://pastebin.com/353eebdH\n")
if Using_Proxies == 'yes':
Proxies_txt = [i.strip() for i in open('socks5.txt','r').read().splitlines()]
Proxy = random.choice(Proxies_txt)
proxy = Proxy.split(':')
print "Proxy Being Used: " + str(Proxy[0]) + ":" + str(Proxy[1]) + "\n"
socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, Proxy[0], int(Proxy[1]))
test = socks.socksocket
Socket = test(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.SOL_TCP)
Socket.connect(("", 1204))
print "Could not connect using the selected proxy! Or 'socks5.txt' was not found! Re-trying....\n"
elif Using_Proxies != 'yes':
Socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.SOL_TCP)
Socket.connect(('', 1204))
Socket.send('<y r="'+Chat+'" v="0" u="'+ID+'" />%pre%')
XML = et.fromstring(Socket.recv(1024).strip('%pre%')).attrib
print('Recieved: ' + str(XML))
Handshake_yi = int(XML['yi'])
Handshake_yc = int(XML['yc'])
Handshake_ys = int(XML['ys'])
ym1 = str(int(2 << (Handshake_yi % 30)) % Handshake_yc + Handshake_yi)
print("YM1: " + ym1)
ym2 = str(int(pow(2, Handshake_ys % 32)))
print("YM2: " + ym2)
String_1 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890'
String_2 = len(String_1) - 1
String_4 = ''.join([String_1[random.randint(0, String_2)] for y in range(1, 10)])#Null's name
Avatar = random.randint(1,1000)
Socket.send('<j2 cb="0" Y="2" ym1="'+str(ym1)+'" ym2="'+str(ym2)+'" q="1" y="'+str(Handshake_yi)+'" k="'+K1+'" p="0" c="'+Chat+'" u="'+ID+'" d0="0" n="'+String_4+'" a="'+str(Avatar)+'" h="" v="0" />')
while 1:
String_3 = ''.join([String_1[random.randint(0, String_2)] for y in range(1, 15)])#Message
Data = Socket.recv(1024)
Socket.send('<m t="'+String_3+'" u="'+ID+'" />%pre%')
print("TheFox's nxat.tk Raid Script")
Chat = raw_input("Chat's ID: ")
Using_Proxies = raw_input("Would you like to use proxies? Type 'yes' or 'no' : ")
XML = et.fromstring(Socket.recv(1024).strip('%pre%')).attrib
print('Recieved: ' + str(XML))
Handshake_yi = int(XML['yi'])
Handshake_yc = int(XML['yc'])
Handshake_ys = int(XML['ys'])
ym1 = str(int(2 << (Handshake_yi % 30)) % Handshake_yc + Handshake_yi)
print("YM1: " + ym1)
ym2 = str(int(pow(2, Handshake_ys % 32)))
print("YM2: " + ym2)
String_1 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890'
String_2 = len(String_1) - 1
String_4 = ''.join([String_1[random.randint(0, String_2)] for y in range(1, 10)])#Null's name
Avatar = random.randint(1,1000)
Socket.send('<j2 cb="0" Y="2" ym1="'+str(ym1)+'" ym2="'+str(ym2)+'" q="1" y="'+str(Handshake_yi)+'" k="'+K1+'" p="0" c="'+Chat+'" u="'+ID+'" d0="0" n="'+String_4+'" a="'+str(Avatar)+'" h="" v="0" />')
while 1:
String_3 = ''.join([String_1[random.randint(0, String_2)] for y in range(1, 15)])#Message
Data = Socket.recv(1024)
Socket.send('<m t="'+String_3+'" u="'+ID+'" />%pre%')
print("TheFox's nxat.tk Raid Script")
Chat = raw_input("Chat's ID: ")
Using_Proxies = raw_input("Would you like to use proxies? Type 'yes' or 'no' : ")
And when I put the ID of the chat and I choose if I want to proxies or it does not return the following exception:
'ids.txt' was not found! Please create one in the same folder that this script is in and add IDs to it SPECIFALLY IN THIS LAYOUT: link OR use my ids.txt < a href="http://pastebin.com/353eebdH"> link
The worst thing is that I already have the file created in the same folder where the .py file is. What do I do?