Error dependencies gradle: all must use the exact same version specification (mixing versions can lead to runtime crashes)


I'm trying to add a barcode reader to my application and I'm using this example as the basis: link The error appears whenever I get to step 2, where it says that I need to add a new dependency in the gradle:

dependencies {
        compile('com.github.KingsMentor:MobileVisionBarcodeScanner:v1.2') { transitive = true; }

When you sync, the

compile ''

Underlined red with message


all must use the exact same version specification   (mixing versions can lead to runtime crashes). Found versions 9.4.0,   7.8.0. Examples include play-services-vision: 9.4.0 and play-services: 7.8.0

and the error message appears in the gradle console:


Error: Execution failed for task ': app: processDebugManifest'.

    Manifest merger failed: Attribute application @ label value = () from AndroidManifest.xml: 19: 9-37 is also     present at [com.github.KingsMentor: MobileVisionBarcodeScanner: v1.2]     AndroidManifest.xml: 15: 9-41 value = (@ string / app_name). Suggestion:     add 'tools: replace="android: label"' to element at     AndroidManifest.xml: 16: 5-369: 19 to override.


I have tried to add the line compile '' but the error continues

asked by anonymous 13.02.2017 / 00:54

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