Java programming with threads


People need help with an activity:


Consider three number vectors.   Write a program to print out the largest Twins in each vector.


Which are the largest prime numbers of twins considering all the elements.   (In all vectors)


NOTE: The solution should optimize the runtime.        You are not allowed to use the Collections API.

I'm having a hard time in the Threads implementation part where I have to allocate the optimization to the runtime.

public class NumeroPrimoGemeo {

    public List<Integer> retornaNumeroGemeos(Integer comeco, Integer fim){
        int i = comeco;
        while(i <= fim){
                int x = i + 2;
                    List<Integer> integers = new ArrayList<>();
                    return integers;
        } throw new RuntimeException("Não há nenhum numero primo gemeos ");

Can someone make a code and explain me with comments?

asked by anonymous 12.04.2017 / 13:38

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