Convert binary extracted from .getUserMedia () to .mp4


I am saving the user's video and audio using .getUserMedia () in javascript and sending it to a websocket listening in C # (MVC). I leave below the path that the data makes until it reaches the server.

In Javascript

var chunks = [];
var stream = null;

function getMedia() {
   var constraints = { audio: true, video: { width: 1280, height: 720 } };

   .then(function (mediaStream) {

    stream = mediaStream;

    if (hasWebSockets) {
        try {
            socket = new WebSocket(myC#SocketURL);


    mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = function (e) {


    mediaRecorder.onstop = function (e) {

        if (socket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) {
            ReadAndSend(chunks[i]); // i aumenta em todos os ciclos, 
                                       indica a sequência dos dados. 
                                       esta sequência vai ser usada em C#

function ReadAndSend(t) {
   var reader = new FileReader();

   reader.addEventListener("loadend", function () {

       var s = reader.result;
       var view = new Uint8Array(s);
       var binary = btoa(Uint8ToString(view));

       var toSend = {

           "sequencia" : i,
           "data": binary


       var z = JSON.stringify(toSend);

       try {



function Uint8ToString(u8a) {
   var CHUNK_SZ = 0x64000;
   var c = [];
   for (var i = 0; i < u8a.length; i += CHUNK_SZ) {
       c.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, u8a.subarray(i, i + 
   return c.join("");


In CSharp

WebSocket webSocket = webSocketContext.WebSocket;


            var receiveBuffer = new ArraySegment<Byte>(new Byte[1024 * 1024 * 16]); ;

            while (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)

                WebSocketReceiveResult receiveResult = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(receiveBuffer);

                byte[] payloadData = receiveBuffer.Array.Where(b => b != 0).ToArray();
                string receiveString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payloadData, 0, payloadData.Length);

                JObject o = JObject.Parse(receiveString);
                TransFile transFileChunk = new TransFile();
                string ba = o["data"].ToString();
                transFileChunk.bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(ba);

                 if (receiveResult.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
                    await webSocket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "", CancellationToken.None);

                    var files = transmitedFiles.Distinct().ToList();

                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<TransFile>> ltf in files)

                        foreach (TransFile tf in ltf.Value.Where(m => m.bytes.Length != 0).OrderBy(m => m.sequence))
                            using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open("C://Path" + ltf.Key + ".mp4", FileMode.Append)))


                        transmitedFiles.Remove(ltf.Key); // vamos apagar o ficheiro do 'repositório'



Using FFMPEG to convert results, but the final file size is too large, which can not be because those videos are used by the user within the web app.

asked by anonymous 10.03.2018 / 17:01

1 answer


What you can do is to use a compression codec like x264 to reduce the size of the converted file, after which if the result is not what you want. You will only have to reduce the bitrate and limit the dimensions of the video.

ffmpeg -fflags +genpts -i videoDaWebcam.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 22 convertido.mp4
16.03.2018 / 15:35