Good afternoon,
I have this function in JS that accepts for example 1234, but I want it to also accept 12:34 (time format). I suspect that the problem is in parseInt, that is, instead of being parseInt (txtValue ...) happens to be parseString (), so I am missing something. : S
function BtnSaveParametrizacaoTempos_Validate() {
var erro = 0;
var txtValueObj = $("#<%=txtValue.TextBoxClientID%>");
if (txtValueObj.val().trim() === ("" + parseInt(txtValueObj.val(), 10))) {
ITCore.Presentation.InsertValidateMsg($("#<%= txtValue.TextBoxClientID%>"), "");
erro = 0;
} else {
$("#<%= txtValue.TextBoxClientID%>"),
"<%=ITCore.Common.Resources.Translate.GetTransactionString("ParametrizacaoTempos", "InvalidValue")%>"
erro = 1;
return erro === 0;
From what I've seen on bd, it has a field that is isNumeric and is NULL, so I'll have to say in bd if it's numeric, do one thing if it's not another, right?