Good evening.
I'm trying to upload with the Drive API using the following PHP code:
require_once 'src/Google/Client.php';
require_once 'src/contrib/Google_DriveService.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
$client_id = 'YOUR CLIENT ID';
$client_secret = 'YOUR CLIENT SECRET';
$redirect_uri = 'http://localhost/modeloImpacto.php';
$client = new Google_Client();
$service = new Google_Service_Drive($client);
$fileMetadata = new Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile(array(
'name' => 'funcionou.jpg'));
$content = file_get_contents('funcionou.jpg');
$file = $driveService->files->create($fileMetadata, array(
'data' => $content,
'mimeType' => 'image/jpeg',
'uploadType' => 'multipart',
'fields' => 'id'));
printf("File ID: %s\n", $file->id);
However, I encounter the following error message:
Fatal error: Class 'Google_ServiceResource' not found in C:\wamp64\www\src\contrib\Google_DriveService.php on line 25
Does anyone know what's missing?
Thank you! Raffael Siqueira.