Javascript Sharepoint Compare field Date with Date Today


I have a list in sharepoint with the code below: I need to compare the date field "Data_x0020_de_x0020_Delivery" with the current date "today", but by the code below is comparing only the first digit of the date, for example, if today is 3/3/2017 and the "Data_x0020_de_x0020_Delivery" field is in 02/20/2017 is comparing only the first digits in the case, '03' with '20'

How do I compare the two dates?

(function () {
  var fieldCtx = {};

  fieldCtx.Templates = {};
  fieldCtx.Templates.Fields = {
    "Progress": {
        "View": ProgressFieldViewTemplate


function ProgressFieldViewTemplate(ctx) {

  var _statusValue = ctx.CurrentItem.Data_x0020_de_x0020_Entrega;
  var today = new Date();
  var dd = today.getDate();
  var mm = today.getMonth()+1; //January is 0!
  var yyyy = today.getFullYear();

  if(dd<10) {

  if(mm<10) {

  today = dd+'/'+mm+'/'+yyyy;

  if (_statusValue > today)
    return "<img src='https://xxxxxxxxxxxx/sites/intralogo/SiteAssets/icons/Green.png'/>";
  else if (_statusValue == today)
    return "<img src='https://xxxxxxxxxx/sites/intralogo/SiteAssets/icons/Yellow.png'/>";
  else if (_statusValue < today)
    return "<img src='https://xxxxxxxxx/sites/intralogo/SiteAssets/icons/Red.png'/>";
asked by anonymous 03.03.2017 / 21:47

1 answer


I think this will help you, you should take your date, turn it into a Date javscript object and then compare it.

As you want to disregard the hours, it was necessary to create a Date variable from the value of the current date in order to make the correct comparison.

follow the code below:

function ProgressFieldViewTemplate(ctx) {
  var dateStr = ctx.CurrentItem.Data_x0020_de_x0020_Entrega;

  var dt = new Date(parseInt(dateStr.substr(6,4)) 
                  , parseInt(dateStr.substr(3,2)) -1 
                  , parseInt(dateStr.substr(0,2)));
  var today = new Date();

  today = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate());

  if(dt < today){
    return "<img src='https://xxxxxxxxx/sites/intralogo/SiteAssets/icons/Red.png'/>";
  } else if ( dt > today ){
    return "<img src='https://xxxxxxxxxxxx/sites/intralogo/SiteAssets/icons/Green.png'/>";
  }else {
    return "<img src='https://xxxxxxxxxx/sites/intralogo/SiteAssets/icons/Yellow.png'/>";
04.03.2017 / 01:42