Create a Javascript query tool using select


I made a code in Javascript that the person makes a consultation of the time of garbage collection by neighborhoods, but he asked me for a change, I wanted the person to select instead of writing, until I see okay, but I can not identify the error but is not looking, follow the code:

consultar = function() {

  if (document.getElementById('ccidade').value == "patos") {
    if (document.getElementById('cbairro').value == "abner") {
      document.write("Segunda/Quarta/Sexta - 12:10 às 13:25 hs");
<form name="frm">

  <select name="cidade" id="ccidade">
<option>Escolha uma cidade</option>
<option value="patos">Patos de Minas</option>
  <select name="bairro" id="cbairro">
<option value="abner">Abner Afonso</option>
  <input type="button" onclick="consultar()" />

I could not see the error in the code. Thanks in advance for your help.

asked by anonymous 24.02.2017 / 15:58

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