When you are uploading your EC2 instance you can select an already pre-configured ami in the AWS Marketplace, search for LAMP (there are free options) or WAMP (only paid).
Another option is to upload a pure instance (only with OS) and install the required packages through IIS (win) or the specific package manager of the chosen Linux distro (there are several tutos for this ex: link ).
It is possible to install everything at the free level as long as you choose the EC2 instance of type t2.micro (it only gives 1 instance for linux + 1 instance for Windows if used 24hr / day) and that its storage (EBS) does not exceed 30GB. To make it available on the internet with a specific domain you will need to use Route 53, which is not in the free tier but costs $ ~ 0.50 per domain.
Source: link
Thank you.