How to remove external js cache?


I added in a site an external lib that called via script inclusion, that is a js that made the communication with the services that this company offered. After that they added the information on the page.

So far so good, but now the contract has been terminated and I've removed the inclusion of this external js, but I do not know how it is still loaded on the site, it's like a cache but it does not make sense, since I removed the inclusion of this script, why and how to solve it?

asked by anonymous 03.04.2017 / 13:35

1 answer


Navigate to the site and check the URL of the script. Please try to access this URL in isolation from your browser. You will find that one of two things is occurring:

  • The script is hosted on a server that you control. You can then remove the script from the address you are in, or condition your access in some way (i.e. via an API key or authentication token);

  • The script is hosted on a server that you can not control. It is trivial to copy a script from any page. Your client may have made a copy of your script.

03.04.2017 / 13:49