Kendo MultiSelect passing the placeholder as value in the search


I have a form with a Kendo UI MultiSelect component for ASP.NET MVC / Razor :

@(Html.Kendo().MultiSelectFor(m => m.Ids)
                .Placeholder("Please fill")
                    ds => ds.Read(
                        r => r.Action("FillMultiSelect", "ReportsController", new { companyId = IdentityManager.CompanyID, search = string.Empty })

JavaScript for filter configuration:

var $ids = $("#Ids").data("kendoMultiSelect");

$ = basicFilter($ids);

var basicFilter = function ($element) {
   return {
       companyId: self.form.getModel().CompanyId,
       search: $element.input.val()

When I type the search text in the "Ids" field, the parameter passed to Action of the MVC is the value of the placeholder > field, not what was typed:

What's wrong with my code?

asked by anonymous 17.03.2017 / 12:10

1 answer


The error was in how to recover the value typed in MultiSelect . The correct thing is to use the array filters of object filter passed as parameter in event data . The corrected JavaScript code looks like this:$("#Ids"), "kendoMultiSelect", basicFilter);

var basicFilter = function (e) {
   return {
       companyId: self.form.getModel().CompanyId,
       search: e.filter && e.filter.filters[0] ? e.filter.filters[0].value : ""
20.03.2017 / 19:15