Date Comparison in Laravel?


I have a list of records and in this table I have a field data_limite :

$planos = $this->plano->whereIn('id',$planos_id)

I'm listing the data of array , but do I need to get information that would be the data_limite of this table and compare with the date of the day?

$dateAtual = date("d/m/Y"); 
$dateCriacao = date('d/m/Y', strtotime("+".$dias_liberacao." days",strtotime($data)));

if($dateCriacao <= $dateAtual)
    return redirect()->route('listar-atividades')
                     ->with('status', 'A Atividade não esta disponivel parar edição!');;
asked by anonymous 22.03.2017 / 21:36

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