logar problem google on android


I'm having a lot of trouble logging into google with android, I have an app, in cordova, I set up my app, I have credentials on google.

I'm following this example: link

app settings page on google: link

My problem is this part forward, link

keytool -exportcert -keystore "C: .... android \ debug.keystore" -list -v -alias photos

This line does not run on the console:

C: ... \ www > -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C: ... android \ debug.keystore" '-alias' is not recognized as an internal command or external, operable program or batch file.

C: ... www> keytool -exportcert -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore

"C: .... android \ debug.keystore" 'keytool' is not recognized as an internal command or external, operable program or batch file.

I've taken this example: link

Problem I think it comes down to: I'm not sure if it's possible to generate a sha1 key, maybe it's a problem, and it's a problem. return message with error value 8. I've been seeing this for a while and can not find a solution.

asked by anonymous 24.03.2017 / 19:14

1 answer


You should go to the folder where Keytool is, it is an application and should not be in the PATH of your system, so it points out the error that you described. Then it is in the bin folder of Android, look for the root and then in the bin folder has several .exe, there is your keytool, (1) you can point it there and run it at once, or (2) go to the directory (cd "android executable directory") and run there. This key is essential at various times in the development of Android Apps.

30.10.2017 / 13:41