I would like to take a doubt, we should treat fields differently which have data type as time and date I say in relation to the view, why I have a problem I need to plot some date and time in a table in my view but the fields that are not date and time appear in a good already the fields that have as type time and date appear as Object
public static List<FolhaBean> bindingProperties(List<Folha> folhas) {
List<FolhaBean> folhasBean = new ArrayList<>();
folhas.forEach(folha -> {
FolhaBean folhaBean = new FolhaBean(folha.getIdFolha(), folha.getData(), folha.getEntrada(),
folha.getSaidaAlmoco(), folha.getVoltaAlmoco(),folha.getSaida(), folha.getBancoHoraNegativo()
, folha.getBancoHoraPositivo(), folha.getVersion(), folha.getNomeUsuario());
return folhasBean;
this is the bean I'm using to bring the information
@RequestMapping(value = REDIRECT_PAGE_CARREGAR, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView showCarregar(Model model, HttpServletRequest request){
usuarioBean= folhaService.findFetchAll();
model.addAttribute("usuarioBean", usuarioBean);
@RequestMapping(value = "/carregarDados", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<List<FolhaBean>> carregar() {
List<Folha> folhas = folhaService.findFetchAll();
List<FolhaBean> folhasBean = FolhaBean.bindingProperties(folhas);
return new ResponseEntity<List<FolhaBean>>(folhasBean, HttpStatus.OK);
and this is the controller.
Data-locale="en-data-url=" $ {loadFollow} "data-locale = data-show-columns="2" date-show-toggle="true" data-show-columns="true" data-show-item-name="data-show-refresh=" true "date-toolbar=" # toolbar "date-query-params = true "date-pagination-pre-text=" Previous "data-response-handler=" responseHandler "& gt ; id Date Entry Departure Lunch Return Lunch Departure Bank Positive Bank Negative User License