Server does not recognize changes to files uploaded by FTP


I'm servicing a store that is on a server, and I'm using FTP to send the modified local files to the server. More specifically the Filezilla . I've been doing occasional updates on the store code, and everything is fine.

However, now there has been a major maintenance, which has changed the entire html structure of the store and increased some functionality. The old files were in a www folder on the server, I sent the new files to another folder, and renamed the www folder to www_old and the folder with the new files to www .

When I went to check the page, the layout was all broken. I used ctrl + f5 , opened anonymous tab, tried another computer, and continued with the problem. But then I noticed that some elements on the page were appearing that only existed in the old version, while new things were also appearing. Checking deeper, I realized that the CSS was the new one, but the HTML was the old one. I downloaded the index.asp file containing the html from the server home page to verify the code, and it was correct, it was the new one.

So I figured for some reason the server was getting the index.asp file from the www_old folder and the www css. It does not make the slightest sense, but he had to try something. I then renamed index.asp to index.asp.OLD , and when I refreshed the page, the server complained that there was no index.asp . So he was picking up the file from the www folder as expected. Fixed the name, and it worked again, but it was still loading a html different from what was in the file.

Then I opened the file, and put a purposeful syntax error. I tested it locally and the error happened, I sent it to the server and it did not detect any errors, it loaded the page with the old code.

I did other tests such as sending a new file to the server, and it worked when I tried to access it. I also tried to send the file through explorer windows instead of using Filezilla , and it did not resolve. When I return the www_old folder to www works the old version normally.

I no longer know what to do. Is there any FTP cache or something? I do not remember going through a situation like that.

Thank you.

asked by anonymous 21.04.2017 / 17:19

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