I have the following problem, the need to create graphs dynamically from a select that represents the schools of the system and as it is clicked to generate a pie chart with their respective classes, the part of generating the graphs occurs in a correct way but as I create the graphs they will overlap and by passing the mouse over it it will change to the graphs already generated.
<canvas id="graficoQuantidadeAlunosPorTurma" height="160" >
var Lotacao = Lotacao || {};
Lotacao.ComboEscola = (function(){
function ComboEscola() {
this.ctx = $('#graficoQuantidadeAlunosPorTurma')[0].getContext('2d');
this.combo = $('#escola');
this.emitter = $({});
this.on = this.emitter.on.bind(this.emitter);
ComboEscola.prototype.iniciar = function(){
this.combo.on('change', onEscolaAlterada.bind(this));
function onEscolaAlterada(evento) {
var codigoEscola = this.combo.val();
if(codigoEscola) {
var resposta = $.ajax({
url: this.combo.data('url'),
method: 'GET',
contentType: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
data: {'escola': codigoEscola}
} else {
function onBuscarTurmasFinalizado(turmas) {
var canvas = document.getElementById('graficoQuantidadeAlunosPorTurma');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
var turmaNome = [];
var totalAlunos = [];
var graficoTotalAlunosPorTurma = new Chart(this.ctx, {
type: 'pie',
data: {
labels: turmaNome,
datasets: [{
data: totalAlunos,
backgroundColor: [
function reset() {
return ComboEscola;
$(function() {
var comboEscola = new Lotacao.ComboEscola();
Example of chart 1
When you hover over this graph, the other generated graph will appear.