Redirecting Excess ASP NET MVC


I have a problem with the project, when I access the default route, I get the following error.

Esta página não está funcionando

Redirecionamento em excesso por localhost
Tente limpar os cookies.

The error happens when in my index, I redirect to another view of another controller , if I give return View() everything works.

namespace Portal.Web.Client.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            //algumas coisas

                return RedirectToAction("sign-in","user"); // fica "chamando" este método (Action) infinita vezes.
                return View(); //tudo funciona

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this is occurring, and how to solve it?

asked by anonymous 11.05.2017 / 19:42

1 answer


After reading this SO-en issue , I changed the

return RedirectToAction("sign-in","user");


 return Redirect("~/user/sign-in");

and it worked.

11.05.2017 / 20:14