Calling a function after rendering a component in React.js


I'm making a game of the old one in React.js that uses the Minimax algorithm to produce AI's moves. This algorithm, from what I've seen, is taking between 600ms ~ 1000ms to return a move in the early stages of the game. This time would be no problem if it were not for the fact that I can not make the AI move happen after the click handler that occurs when the human player clicks on a square to make his move. Resulting in the user clicking on the square and the browser "locking" until the algorithm finishes.


class Board extends React.Component{
      this.state ={
        whosTurn: this.props.playerSymbol,
        gameState: new GameState(Array(9).fill(null))

      let board = this.state.gameState.board;

      if(board[index] === null){
        board[index] = this.state.whosTurn;
          whosTurn: Math.abs(this.state.whosTurn - 1),
          gameState: new GameState(board)

    componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){
      if(this.state.whosTurn !== this.props.playerSymbol){
        // Aqui é a função que "trava" minha execução
        let newGameState = this.state.gameState.minimax();
          gameState: newGameState

      // Renderiza o jogo de acordo com o this.state.gameState

I do not know much about React yet, but from what I read in the documentation, the componentDidUpdate() method comes after render() in the component life cycle, so the human player's click should not have already been rendered ?

A visual +/- example:

Time of the human player



Thanks for any help you can.

asked by anonymous 11.05.2017 / 21:51

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