URL was identified as malicious and / or abusive API Facebook


I'm creating a login API via facebook and it's on a newly created test server. Less than 2 weeks and filling in the domain facebook returned the message:


This URL has been identified as malicious and / or abusive.

Someone has some idea how to clean this or something ... this url did not even exist for two weeks and is already in the wrong intensified. I searched in forums, on facebook and until now I did not find anything about it.

asked by anonymous 02.05.2017 / 21:05

1 answer


You can open a request in the area of Facebook developers, as it is the only way to understand and try to remove the radar domain from bad-intensioned them.

But a quick fix is to change the URL used in the application that is on his radar. If the url is meusite.com.br change to brasil.meusite.com for example.

29.12.2017 / 19:54