I have a JSF with a p: panelGrid with columns that together form a screen that we call telemetry (big screen with several information passing in real time), in each column I added a method in which I passed an ID as parameter for searching in the and then the value is returned. Some of the information is very large, so I used it for the values to walk in the cells of the columns. This screen needs to update constantly, but I could not configure the restful correctly to help me, so I used the p: poll of primefaces to refresh the panel every 10 seconds, however, so it is not very useful. I needed some way to update the information for each cell automatically.
Below is a section of the panel with the method:
<p:column styleClass=" columnDark " >
<p:column styleClass=" columnDark " >
The p: poll is the current solution:
<p:poll interval="10" update="panelTelemetria" immediate="true" listener="#{telemetriaManagedBean.resetPage()}" />
I'm looking for another solution, this screen will be open on a TV for other users as long as you can.