Hello, I have some cards in materialize.css that I would like to insert over the image (.card-image) a specific icon (in the example the video icon), but I am not able to.
<div class="card-image waves-effect waves-block waves-light" v-if="impar(index)">
<img class="responsive-img" data-target="modal-{{noticia.id}}" @click.prevent.sync="openModal(noticia.id)"
:src="'storage/noticias/images/' + noticia.photo"
:class="{'activator': noticia.videoValue}"/>
<div v-if="noticia.videoValue == false" class="video-icon-noticias valign-wrapper">
<a href="#" data-target="modal-{{noticia.id}}" class="playIcon" @click.prevent.sync="openModal(noticia.id)">
<i class="large material-icons">play_circle_outline</i>
I have tried in many ways but I have not been able to.