Why do some libraries start with "0.6" or "0.2" instead of using "1.2" or "1.6"?


Well, here at StackOverlow I could learn about Versioning.

I've been able to fully understand the versioning scheme, and how each of the "dots" that separate the version numbers work.

I noticed that a number of libraries (such as Composer for example), with the #.#.# pattern, are usually versioned from 1 generally. That is, 1.0.0 .

For example:

"phplegends/pt-br-validator": "1.0.4",

"maatwebsite/excel" : "1.1.0",

I thought it was a pattern that started numbering the first (digit) version of the library from 1.0.0 . But I have seen libraries that start (the first number) from 0 .

For example, this Barryvdh / Laravel-DomPDF library is in 0.4.* :

 "barryvdh/laravel-dompdf": "0.4.*",

Why do some libraries do this?

When the library starts with 0 instead of 1 , does it have any special meaning (such as a beta version)?

asked by anonymous 22.04.2016 / 22:07

1 answer


Why do some libraries do this?

Because the respective development teams do not consider them as stable. There are a number of reasons for this, such as maturity, usage time, adherence to a considerable amount of systems, and so on.


When the library starts with 0 instead of 1, does it have any special meaning (such as a beta version)?

According to Semantic Versioning , indicating a version number starting with 0 means that the developer thinks the library in question is still being developed , gaining functionalities, etc., and therefore is still in an alpha or beta stage.

22.04.2016 / 22:16