I have a problem with the repetition of my result, in fact I can not find a solution. Notice that in the image below we have the order number and the parcels, but this order number always repeats when a new parcel is requested. it does not repeat that it is only 1 time under him the parcels of the own, I tried for another foreach
in below the order number but it does not work, can someone help me?
$ReadCheck->ExeRead("c022vdpr", "WHERE cod_cliente = :cod AND vct_parcela < :vct AND quitacao = :quit", "cod={$Cod}&vct={$Hoje}&quit={$N}");
if ($ReadCheck->getResult()):
$read = new Read;
$read->ExeRead("c002clie", "WHERE codigo = :cod", "cod={$Cod}");
if ($read->getResult()):
$Nome = $read->getResult()[0]['razao'];
echo " <table style=\"width: 100%; text-align: left\" >
<thead><th style=\"width: 50%;\">Nome</th><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"width: 50%;\">{$Nome}</td></thead>";
foreach ($ReadCheck->getResult() as $Pedidos):
<thead><th>Pedido</th><td><?php echo $nro_pedido ?></td></thead>
$ReadParce = new Read;
$ReadParce->ExeRead("c022vdpr", "WHERE nro_pedido = :ped", "ped={$nro_pedido}");
<thead><th>Vencimento</th><th>Valor</th><th>N° Parcela</th></thead>
<tr><td><?php echo date('d/m/Y', strtotime($vct_parcela)); ?></td><td>R$ <?php echo $vlr_parcela ?></td><td><?php echo $nro_parcela ?></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3" style="background-color: #ccc; padding: 3px;"></td></tr>